Internet marketing is a “salad bar” of choices, with ever- changing selections. Holistic thinking works well as a paradigm to view marketing- the sum total of your efforts is greater than the pieces, but all the pieces need to be managed to produce a holistically healthy marketing campaign. The trick is to put together an attractive and nourishing plate.
Start with a visually pleasing website that is user- friendly and properly optimized. Visuals are part of this, in fact what they say about first impressions goes double for websites. You will want to create clear marketing calls to action (like a button that says “sign up” for example), so people know what to do when they get there, and possibly a landing page.
Develop a plan with your Internet marketing expert, and follow through with the plan. This is the most important part- follow through is where many small businesses drop the ball in terms of resource management.
We add Google Analytics to track the progress of campaign and website traffic in general, and to give us specific insights like click through rates or sources of internet traffic.
The trick to planning a successful campaign is in the allocation of resources. A successful internet marketing campaign might consist of all or some of the following:
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